Mircea Opris in Timisoara, Romania
Adrian Mogos in Bucharest, Romania
American Mafia consigliere Philip Wesoke advised gang-masters Piervinanzi and Marchese how to wash the money in America and the Cayman Islands. Now, Wesoke tries to laundry money in Timisoara, using local officials and Timisoara city hall.
Timisoara City Hall s leased for 49 year, ten acres in the downtown area to an American company that is declared inactive in the United States. Walco Monceau Group, Inc.. in Boca Raton, Florida, received this gift after he promised to invest 30 million euros in three underground parking. The concession agreement between the City firm dealing with parking and Walco Monceau Group, Inc.. is kept secret rulers of the city, despite protests from the public submitted by the Federation of Associations of Owners of Timisoara and the Initiative Group in Promoting Public Opinion.
Local councilors voted for the association of Timisoara Public Domain Administration and Walco MonceauGroup Inc., which promised to build three underground car parks with a total of 2,500 parking spaces over the next four years. It is not known from where will the U.S. company provide the promised 30 million euros, which explains the fact that Timisoara’s Mayor refuses to hold a public auction, but also to make public concession contracts of the Association of ADP and the U.S. company .
Who are the mysterious investors from Walco Monceau Group, Inc..? The U.S. Department of State, Corporate Division, the Florida company that is inactive, however, the same firm is very active, according to its website, in Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Russia. Companies, both suspended in the United States and one in Eastern Europe, owned by Philip Jay Wesoke. Is at least one American visionary, anticipating the fall of the Berlin Wall and two years of the communist regimes. Wesoke U.S. company abandoned and reopened it under the same name in Budapest, Hungary, with the stated aim of helping the transition from socialist to the capitalist economies in the aforementioned countries. The year opened Wesoke company in Eastern Europe in 1989. Wesoke, as described on the company website, he began studying Eastern European markets since 1987, with the stated aim of entering these markets, parking areas and infrastructure.
Philip Wesoke in the past, declared himself a specialist in financial advice and attracting foreign investors in Eastern European countries, is related to brokerage and investment funds in the U.S.. He started as a stock broker in 1977, later worked at other financial advisory firms. An interesting detail is that Wesoke was one of the first to buy National Mortgage Association bonds Government bonds, originally intended only to transactions between companies in the U.S. state.
A document of a United States Court of Appeals reveals an interesting detail. On May 2, 1994, Michael Piervinanzi, and John M. Daniel Tichio Bookhart Jr., who were part of a group convicted of laundering money and land properties and real estate scams and fraud bank received convictions for several offenses, including fraudulent transfer of 24 million dollars of private investment funds. According to the indictment, to defraud the U.S. state mafia group, transferring tens of millions of dollars from the Irving Trust Company and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company in the accounts of various countries.The defendants said to have resorted to transfer money Wesoke Philip.
In autumn 1988, a group of Italian Mafia in the U.S., including Michael Anthony Marchese and Piervinanzi, planned investment funds embezzlement Morgan Guaranty and Irving Trust Company by transferring tens of millions of dollars to banks outside the U.S..
U.S. Court of Appeals document, “Marchese and they contacted Piervinanzi Wesoke Philip, a” financial consultant “who has also invested and lost money but it’s you Piervinanzi before. Piervinanzi Marchese and told him Wesoke they want to discreetly invest between 14 and 20 million dollars, cash, preferably in property registered in the Cayman Islands. Wesoke had to find foreign bank. Wesoke Piervinanzi and gave the account number and the bank were to make illegal shipments.
The cannon was given on February 23, 1989, and the FBI arrested a month later the group members, just as Wesoke bankrupt U.S. company has just opened in Hungary.
This was not the only adventure Wesoke’s illegal. On January 17, 1992, a New York court sentenced him to one year and nine months in prison and three years supervisory electronic fraud, punishable in the United States more than fraud abitir usual. The U.S. government has sent a letter stating that the court has worked with the Philip Wesoke in another case. Possibly the previous one, because Wesoke was the only one who participated in the fraud and was not convicted. But the court noted that when, while working with authorities, Wesoke has found time to shoot the rope a number of people.Wesoke served his sentence in federal prison in Montgomery, Pennsylvania. The investigation established that Wesoke could not have to pay a fine of one hundred thousand dollars, so it was reduced to only $ 5,000. Over a period of three years, Wesoke not be allowed to take loans, had to announce it to the officer who oversee any financial activity and to psychological treatment. Finally, the judge decided to announce Wesoke business partners, including a U.S. senator, he has a criminal record.
U.S. company representatives have been reluctant to press, but City Hall sources said that the next round of negotiations Wesoke announced its presence and asked to Timisoara accommodation “even under similar conditions to those of Hilton and limousines to transport the delegation” . Worse, however, that for the second time in three years, Timisoara City Hall is associated with companies whose history and reputation are not checked.
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In March 2007, Philip Jay Wesoke company established in Bucharest Euro Water SRL.A year later changed its name to the Monceau-Walco Development Ltd. and changed its headquarters on Calea Dorobantilor Bravu Road, where it is located today.Estela Piriu is representative of the company, which, as shown on the website of the American firm, he joined in January 2007. Brook is presented as a business consultant for energy companies wishing to enter the Romanian market and has close links with both lawyers and government employees and local government. According to the same site, would be introduced in Romania brook barcode system that has revolutionized the Romanian industry and brought our little country in this millennium. In addition to these achievements, the brook has worked for an Italian coffee company and a U.S. real estate firm. Walco representative in Romania is so well known that a Google search gives only 11 results. Estela brook was actually an auto parts business with a Jordanian Bravu road somewhere. Walco-Monceau Development has not exceeded its inception a turnover of EUR 5,000, the company having profits in any year of registration with the Trade Register.
For Mircea Opris & Adrian Mogos:
I am a first cousin of Philip Wesoke, the Mafia Consigliere mentioned in your article of 9 Feb 2011. Sadly, I only came across your article on the web yesterday. I think I can add useful information about my wayward cousin if you are still pursuing his unseemly involvement in your country. While I haven’t seen Philip in many years, my understanding of his latest “business venture” is to sell parking meters to Eastern European governments.
The man is a congenital liar. You cannot believe anything he says.
Regards, MJS